Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Science and uncertainity

It is about the uncertainty in science and as we move on in this world new inventions and discoveries occur and so the limitations in science change. For e.g. first there was only the geocentric model of the universe and then as the research was conducted further they found that the planets are revolving around the sun not the earth and then the scientists found that it is the heliocentric universe galaxy or milky-way and so science has no real conclusion because it changes according to the time and that's why science is based on uncertainty and i always thought that behind a tradition,religion,custom there is a science but it changes.It was quite hard to believe that "science is uncertain" but somehow still i think science can prove but also believe the fact that it changes according to time.

Monday, 3 March 2014


I Learnt about the indigenous knowledge systems in the class and according to my research Indigenous knowledge (IK) is the local knowledge – knowledge that is unique to a given culture or society. IK contrasts with the international knowledge system generated by universities, research institutions and private firms. It is the basis for local-level decision making in agriculture, health care, food preparation, education, natural-resource management, and a host of other activities in rural communities. 
My example is about the Indigenous knowledge systems in the Igbo traditional agriculture. we have a slight idea about the Igbo culture because of the novel things fall apart.So now about the agriculture as the people of igbo culture believed that going to a farm and growing yams is a work of manhood and they made varieties of foods using those yams.
'kola nuts' that play a significant role in the socio-cultural and socio-economic lives of igbo people. Important ceremonies like marriage,funeral,wedding and child naming are marked on the breaking of kola nuts.kola nuts are also used as a symbol of warm and acceptance of visitors.To keep the kola nuts fresh they use the banana leaves and in occasions like marriage to make soups the use the ripened seeds of castor oil by using the banana leaves which is used for ripening them fast
so as they consider these things as a part of their culture and as globalization has occurred some of people do not believe in the igbo tradition and some do. People of igbo culture are found in Africa and believe that kola nuts are apart of their as a part of its culture.